Friday, June 29, 2012

Why Yes, It IS Summer

People like to make conversation. Especially with pregnant women. This much I have learned.

But what people don't realize is that I have the SAME conversation about.... 4-5 times a day. It goes a little like something like this:

Coworker / Perfect Stranger: (With a big grin) Oooooh, you look so great! How far along are you?
Me: (With a practiced smile) About [fill in the blank] weeks.
CPS: So that would put your due date......
Me: (Wondering why that wasn't their first question) Around August 20.
CPS: Oh my goodness! So you have to go through the whole hot summer! It's going to be just awful. I mean, it's bad enough when you're not pregnant. But you, man, you are going to be MISERABLE. I had a baby/my daughter had her baby/my best friend's cousin had a baby right around this time last year, and she had the worst time. It was just so awful. I can't think of a worse time of year to be pregnant...(continues until I break in with the Pollyanna view)
Me: Well, it hasn't been too bad so far, and the good news is I'll have the baby right as it starts cooling down so we can go outside more.

It's as if people don't realize:
A. I know it's hot outside.
2. That they're focusing on the first negative they can think of, not on the fact that I'm actually having a baby
III. Being hot isn't the worst thing that can happen in pregnancy

I'm starting to give up on the Pollyanna view and just nod and smile, "Yep, it's hot." It's only a matter of time before I start telling them that I'm actually part chimera and the heat only fuels me. If only I didn't have to then explain what a chimera was.

- Jennifer

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