Monday, August 27, 2012

First Dose of Mommy Guilt

It's been a rough few days. Guy, who is every bit the champion at gaining in length (2 inches since birth!), is not gaining weight. In fact, over the course of a week, he lost an ounce. We went to the doctor to see what it was all about, and we got a few suggestions, including a couple of scary GI tract issue possibilities.

To try to see if we can rule out larger issues, we have spent the last few days supplementing with more breastmilk. What this means is that at every other feeding, Greg gives Guy an ounce of breast milk from a bottle after I nurse, while I go pump more milk for the next feeding.

It's kind of hard to take, knowing that your baby isn't getting everything he needs from you, when your body is supposed to be designed specifically for this. At least at this point, we are not having to use formula. I'll be really sad if it comes to that.

The weird part is that he seems to be doing well otherwise. He's got plenty of wakeful periods. He seems satisfied after most feedings. He puts out plenty of wet and poopy diapers, which indicate that he is getting food through his system. But for some reason, he's just not getting the nutrition he needs from that food. We're not sure why.

I took him in to be weighed today, and after adding in supplementary feedings and cutting out dairy, he gained an ounce over the weekend. (Well, sort of. He had a full diaper when we weighed him, so I'm not sure if it counts or not.) The doctor said she'd call with further instructions after reviewing his weight gain. I'm doing my best to stay positive, but it's so heartbreaking thinking that maybe he's hungry all the time and I just don't know it. That has to do something awful to his trust in the people taking care of him, if he's spending so much of his time hungry. But, he's not fussing like he's hungry except for every couple of hours, so I have to believe that he's getting most of what he needs, and soon he'll be fattening up and getting the Buddha belly I so desperately want him to have.

Send fat thoughts our way!

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