Monday, August 27, 2012

Photographic Evidence

Clearly it's time to share some pictures of the little Guy. So, here we go:

Our first walk

A few days after we got home, Greg and I took out the new stroller. Oh, and the new baby. It was nice to do something other than sit on the couch with a child attached to me. And he seemed to enjoy it, though every bump we went over sent his arms flying out to the sides in his startle reflex. Poor thing. 

Napping on Mommy

There's nothing quite like passing out after a full belly of milk. Of course, anytime he's in this position, I start singing this song.

His Lovie

I'm pretty sure this is his lovie for life. The moment I put him down in his crib next to this guy and wind him up to play a little song, Guy immediately quiets and just listens. It's how I manage to go wash my hands after poopy diaper changes.

Guy and his Granny

When Greg went back to work, my mom came and stayed for a couple of days, to help ease me into life without a husband at my beck and call. Of course, she spent plenty of time just rocking Guy and holding him while he slept. He's not spoiled. Not at all. 

Bath Time

See? To ensure he isn't spoiled, we often hold him down and do terrible things to him like clean him. He's not a fan. 

The Future Gourmand 

We escaped the house and went to our favorite diner down the street, Duffy's. We actually enjoyed a leisurely breakfast while he slept. It was really, really nice. And I drank two cups of coffee. Don't tell anyone. 

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