Friday, September 21, 2012

Baby Gourmand

Guy has learned a new trick - I like to call it "Scream at the Bottle Until Mommy Wants to Cry."

Over the last two days, Guy has developed some sort of hatred for bottles. Which would be great if I had enough milk to breastfeed him exclusively. But I don't, so I have to use some bottles. I can use the supplemental nursing system for part of the feedings, but I still usually have to follow it up with a bottle, and he is just not having it anymore. I'm not sure if it's his reflux or if he's just decided that he hates the formula. But he does it some even if it's breast milk in the bottle, too.

So, I'm kind of at a loss. The logical part of my brain thinks, "Keep trying and don't sweat it. He will eat when he's hungry enough. He won't let himself starve." But then the illogical, emotional mommy part of my brain thinks, "Oh, God! He is going to starve himself rather than accept a plastic nipple in place of my awesome milk bags!"

I think we will probably try soy formula to see if maybe he's just developed a delicate palate that simply will not accept the formula. Not that I blame him. I once made the mistake of licking some I dripped on my arm, and I nearly gagged. Nasty, nasty stuff.

At least he's napping better lately! (So says logical mommy. While illogical, emotional mommy says, "He's sleeping because he's so worn out from being starved to death!)

This motherhood stuff is magical.



  1. Awe! I remember that well, my milk makers were defective. Sam was seriously underweight and it took awhile to convince hime bottles were non-negotiable. He liked the cheapy gerber rubber ones best, he HATED silicone. Poor little guys.

    1. It's nice to hear that my friends have healthy children who have gone through the same things. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
