Thursday, September 20, 2012

Just Hanging Around

Well, yesterday Guy was seven weeks old. Just a few more days, and he'll be two months old. I figured it was high time for an update and some photos. 

Things are going...better. I'm still feeding, pumping and supplementing with formula. It's tiring, but it's working. Guy has gained weight admirably, and was 9 lbs 5 oz as of Monday. My guess is that next week he'll be 10 pounds. It'll be awesome. He'll graduate to size 1 diapers, and my arms will start getting a workout with every lift of the little dude. 

He's starting to become more aware now, too. He's obsessed with the fan in the living room, and spends a lot of his time staring up at it in wonder. He's frightened of velcro sounds, so I have to be careful when taking off my pumping bra, which is held together with velcro. It is always so frustrating when I manage to get him down for a nap, and then wake him up with that scratchy noise. 

Sleep is also going well-ish. He usually sleeps 3-4 hours when I first put him down at night, and then sleeps 2 hours for two additional stretches. So, I've been averaging about 6-7 hours of sleep a night. Not bad. We had to switch sleeping arrangements, though. Our friends from Ohio visited Tulsa last weekend, and my mom and I stayed in their hotel one night to make things easier for me with my feeding/pumping schedule. I took the Pack and Play, and Guy slept SO good in it that night. So, as soon as I got home, I moved out the sweet bassinet we have and replaced it with the Pack and Play. The bassinet insert just cradles him so well, and he sleeps like... well, you know, like a baby.

Okay, a few photos to keep you entertained...


Papa fed Guy at the hotel, but apparently was falling down on the job, so Guy took over. (Make no mistake. Seconds after this photo was taken, the bottle fell out of his hands.)

 Guy and I have both had thrush, a yeast infection. The old school remedy is Gentian Violet, a fast-working but messy solution. I took this photo after Guy had finished breastfeeding, hence the comatose look. Poor kid. Nothing like having a purple mouth to inspire his mother to ceaselessly make fun of him.

Here's a little comparison for you. Look at the photo above and notice the size of Guy's head and torso in comparison with his elephant. Now, look at the photo below. 

 Six-week old Guy clearly has done some growing!
I just thought this photo was sweet - he still looks so tiny sitting in his daddy's lap! We were watching Star Trek here. Never too early to indoctrinate the children.


And one last photo of Guy with his favorite toy. We've named him Crack because he is like a drug. Wind him up and let him play his lullaby, and Guy invariably quiets and listens intently. It is the best way to keep him quiet when I need to do something quickly like pee, wash my hands or recover my sanity. In this photo, Granny was playing Crack for him in her lap, and he's clearly enjoying it with relish.

 Until next time!



  1. What a great record this is. Keep up the good work.

  2. Poor Guy! I had thrush after surgery once and I never realized how painful it is.
