Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Smiles All Around

Today marks the smiliest day yet from Guy. This morning, just after his first breakfast, he was all about smiling at everything - me, Crack, the ceiling, the window, and (his personal favorite) the ceiling fan. I got a few coos and some great arm flailing out of the deal, too. But usually after the morning smiles, he's pretty much done for the day.

Well, this afternoon, I got another round of smiles. There's nothing in particular that I can do to make him smile, but sometimes rubbing his belly or touching his cheeks helps it along. I've gotten one, big gummy smile that was genuinely for me - eyes locked on mine and everything. What they say is right, that smile was just about the greatest thrill I've ever known. I might have scared Guy with my utter joy.

We're quickly closing in on two months, so I'll save the bigger discussion of his awesomeness for that post, but I do owe you an update on Greg and my first date together since Guy was born. It was a couple of weeks ago, and Greg's parents basically forced us out at gunpoint. We decided to go to Tucci's -- our favorite Brookside restaurant, for dinner. I had my very first glass of wine since Guy was born and enjoyed a huge plate of spaghetti AND dessert with decaf coffee. Then, we went to Akins to pick up a couple of things recommended by the lactation specialist.

I felt pretty good being out and about. But the strange part came when we were driving from Tucci's to Akins. We passed right by our street, and I felt as if I were tethered to our house. I was constantly aware, for the entire time we were gone, where Guy was - ahead of me, behind me, to my left, to my right. It's like he's become my true north. Wherever he is, my compass is pointing to him. I told my mom about that, and she assured me that no matter how big he gets, that will always be the case. Which would be why she periodically checks on me and my brother via the iPhone app Find My Friends. She just has to make sure her compass is still pointing to the right spot.

Anyway, our date was about two hours long. We talked about the conflict in Syria, web programming, and plenty of other things. It was nice to talk to him about things other than the myriad of bodily functions performed by our tiny child. Not that talk about spit up isn't just riveting, donchaknow.


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