Friday, October 19, 2012

Crib Diaries

This is what I like to think is going through Guy's head when he's ready for a nap:

Oh, man am I tired. First, I think I'll wail a little while while Momma tries to quiet me down enough to go to sleep. Then, I'll doze in her arms and look ready to go down. And when she lays me down in the crib, I'll ACT like I'm all for it. I'll wait about five minutes and start crying again. I wonder how many times I can do it before she starts pulling out her hair? I'm guessing at least 6 or so...

I've fallen into the nasty habit of letting Guy sleep in his swing for daytime naps. But I know that when he goes to daycare, there are no swings to sleep in. He will be in a crib, on his back. So, in an effort to get him ready for that, I've started trying to make the transition. Needless to say, it has not been an easy one.

He will generally only sleep for about 15 minutes at a time in the crib during the day. The weird part is that at night he seems completely fine with it. I'm not sure if it's the light, the extra noise, or what, but something is not to his liking.

This kid is starting to get demanding. I mean, he wants his bottled milk and formula warmed now (screaming ensues if it is cold, which - let me tell you - is a JOY), he wants to be rocked or swinging when napping, and he has the audacity to believe that I should change his diaper when it's wet or dirty. GAH. I'm going to start calling him "Your Highness." [Sidebar: Wouldn't it be awesome to send your kid to school with a name like Your Highness? He'd get a total superiority complex, but it would be hilarious to have the teachers talk to him - "Your Highness, please get in the line to go to lunch."]

He's been in the crib for about 20 minutes now, which is a record, but I hear him starting to fuss. I suppose I should go get him before the real crying begins. Oops. Too late.

- Jennifer

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